Funny how EASY some people are to find.
GOOGLE any part of my name - like "dave0c"
I'm almost embarrassed - lucky I'm a straight shooter.
Susan, give us some names - we'll help you.  
You can GOOGLE their phone numbers too.
xxx-xxx-xxxx  try it.
In a message dated 7/14/2006 12:12:05 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
In a message dated 7/14/2006 1:55:08 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Is there a site where I can find someone's email address?  For example I lost touch with a couple of college friends that I'd like to contact again.  I feel uncomfortable phoning them after 15 years and prefer to email a quick hello.  I only know their name and state where they live, yet would like their email.  Anyone know how to find emails in cases like this?  Thanks.
LOL, Yeah.  Good Luck on that one Susan.  Couple of years ago I was on the class reunion committee and given the task of finding people.  Men can be difficult, but not impossible.
Women who marry, make it very difficult to find them.  Women who marry several times....
drove me crazy, lol.
Funny, but people who keep changing their email addresses don't consider the trouble you and I have trying to refind them.
I still with    and to begin, just use first initals and last name, no city.
If you get 100+ hits, you can begin to add more info to the search.
Try it ..... you'll like it.
Dave c3-inc-1967

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