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July 15, 2006

Dear CAMR Friends,


The vote on the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, H.R. 810, is scheduled for Tuesday, July 18, 2006 in the United States Senate!  Be sure to visit our website for breaking news and updates at www.camradvocacy.org.  Our breaking news section will include an audio file of a CAMR radio spot featuring Michael J. Fox that will air over the weekend urging everyone to contact their Senators to support H.R. 810.


We need a full court press on the entire Senate to get this bill passed.  We can only do that with your help and we know you have what it takes to bring us to victory.


Make it your goal today and this weekend to tell at least 5 friends and family members about the vote and help them call their Senators.  This bill and this vote should be the first thing you mention when you talk to your neighbors, join your friends on the golf course, or visit with family.


Please call the Senate with this message and have your friends and family do the same: 


I know a vote is scheduled for the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, H.R. 810, on Tuesday, July 18th.  I urge you to vote yes.  A yes vote on H.R. 810 is the only vote that I will consider a vote in favor of stem cell research that is pro-patient and pro-research.  I request a response from the Senator. My name and address are (fill in the blank).”


Your Senators are available at:


Senator Mark Dayton

Telephone:  (202) 224-3244


Senator Norm Coleman

Telephone Field:  (202) 224-5641


If you have friends and family in other states, you can look up their Senators at www.senate.gov.  You can be connected to any Senate office by calling the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.


Thank you for your continued dedication to help get this historic bill passed!




Sean Tipton


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