I know this is late but submitted stories become property of the site.  Read the site carefully. 


Gary and Stephanie wrote:
    I received this and thought it a valuable link to pass along.
From:  Disabled.stories
Subject FW: Sharing stories
Hi,  you are invited to share your stories that have brought out  humor as to the absurdity of other's ignorance when it comes to your disability.
I am sure such stories hold underlying meaning that will actually educate the general population.  We are attempting to gather as many true stories as
we can, and to publish them in a collective book.  Please take the time to check out the below eb site for more information.  This will be a collaborative
effort representing what you all wish to convey to the public.  So please click on the link and submit your  true stories!
Disabled Stories Staff
Please feel free to pass along this link  to as many people as you think would also like to submit their stories.

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