Hi, Tim  I heard of that bag balm from someone in the room, I bought mine at WALGEENS tho   lol  .... It is pretty good stuff, also someone else in here, Dave I think told me of another cream called Lanaceptic or something like that that is a good product too.

Tim Syfert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hmmmm....I wonder where my Wal-Mart Bag Balm is made.

Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
   Many on this list may not be aware but today with Modern Technology and a WORLD GLOBAL TRADE and Economy there is not much MADE IN AMERICA exclusivly so much anymore......heck even many so called American Cars have more FOREIGN PARTS than very many of the FOREIGN made cars ... LOL this may be a sad fact but true, DO you know that EVEN our AMERICAN FLAG is FOREIN MADE in ( China ) and other  countries.???          Dan**

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