The belly button procedure seems to be the oldest and easiest.  Originally done for those with Spina Bifida it was found to work well on those with SCI.  Have them check it out.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 7/16/2006 5:12:25 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
A quad friend of mine is having problems with frequent UTIs.  He uses an indwelling catheter and has for 35 years.  Of course using an indwelling catheter that long has caused some severe erosion of the skin.  He has not had any urological exams in the past five years.
Over the last three months he has a lot of leaky age and bloody discharge from outside of the bladder.  I finally talked him into going to the urologist and the urologist is concerned about a tumor.  He will be going in for an exam and alter sound of his kidneys and a few weeks.  The urologist mentioned that the option of urinary diversion is a possibility, but when he asked for further information, that Dr. simply said let's just see what we have.
I told him I would try and get some information from the Internet, but have not found much.  Any success or horror stories to pass on to him?

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