Hi Smurf,
I knew you'd be staying busy with your work.  Those Smurfs are really hard workers!  It is good to hear from you anyway. ;-{)
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

Hey peeps,
A couple of you have emailed me coz I aint been leaving any messages on the board for you guys... I haven't abandoned any of you in the slightest, honest!!!!
To give you a update, I'm currently filming the BBC stuff at the moment, thats all going fantastically well and I''m loving every second of it!!  The producers and directors are all extremely pleased with my work, and are strongly encouraging me never to give up the acting business as apparently I can really act which was a massive compliment!
I'm currently working in London Monday - Friday and I get to come home at the weekend.  I'm doing like a video diary of the whole experience, showing my hotel room of, doing behind the scene tours and all that so if any of you wanna see some just shout!  I've got some photo's to show you all also if you like, this one was taken at the end of my second day of shooting, the people with me are my characters  gang mates, and obviously I'm the one in chair!  My character is Vicky, and I'm a heavy Goth, not that it shows in the photo!
Hope your all well, and I'll speak to you all when I'm next home!
Take care, missing you all!!
Loads of love,
Smurf xxx

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