I am sorry, I missed the initial post but as it works here, they need a days notice.  They do severely take advantage financially of the disabled.  We have to pay twice the amount as the regular bus riders that go to the stop and have to pay extra if we live more than a mile from the closest bus station.  That service hasn’t always been here.  We had medical assistance transportation that was for people that were on medical assistance and they need two days notice. The public transportation first led me to believe it was for school and the doctors until I pushed forward.  I have posted about them before how they took advantage and treated me badly.  I ended up calling the director for the 3 counties of the transportation department and found out a whole new big story.  I complained of one thing, then they picked on me for another until I went to the top.  It's like they were trying to make me miserable for complaining to begin with.  First I complained about being treated badly.
I had an eye appt at the wal mart 40 miles away because the one down the street doesn’t have an eye center and then had to go take an exam for an online class I was taking in the same area.  The driver though I was going down the street.  The person that takes the calls for my area said I told her I was going to the wal mart around the corner and if I didn't have the money, don’t take me.  After that, they tried to say I lived more than a mile from a stop.   I actually live 3/4 a mile from the stop.  She said she went by map quest.  I did as well and got different results.  After I got that straight, I was getting forgotton.  Not picked up or left waiting long periods of time.
Thank God, I drive now and don't have to deal with them. 
Keep on pushing them,
----- Original Message -----
From: Bill_J
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] follow-up on community transport

Keep on them, Austin.  They can't deny you transportation for regular doctors appointments, school, work and shopping for groceries at least once a week.  Write your congressional representatives at the state and federal levels a cc the letters to a few investigative reporters at local TV stations.  That should get action.
I'd like to see the email, please.
Bill age 55
C6 Incomplete since 7/20/68
Leesburg, FL
I personally don't mind growing old, but my body's taking it badly.
----- Original Message -----
From: Austin
To: Quad-L
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 4:01 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] follow-up on community transport

Hello to everyone
Thanks for all the feedback I was unable to contact someone with the community transport and we had a lively conversation about rules and how they applied. An appeal of my the denial was graciously schedule.

The meeting was scheduled for 9 a.m. well as we all know we are up and ready by that time. My aide doesn't arrive until 830. This was so nice of them. I had someone represent me and present my case.

This benevolent organization sent me a letter which stated I was approved for "medical trips only"
this prompted another call for clarification. This approval is for medical emergency's only.

The following morning I made a telephone call to the State Director of transportation and then followed up with an e-mail. Another call was made to the governors office along with an e-mail.
Both offices seemed very interested in this situation and assured me someone would be contacting me. I hope something good comes from this.

If anyone would like to see the e-mail I sent. E-mail me.

C4-5 1998

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