Dear CAMR Friends:

As you know, President Bush has announced he will veto the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act, H.R. 810. We expect that to happen today.

Our friends in the House of Representatives will bring up H.R. 810 again in an attempt to override the President's veto. That override must pass the House by a 2/3 majority, so we need your help more now than ever to activate overwhelming support.

Please pick up your telephone IMMEDIATELY and call your Representative with the following message:

"Representative Pascrell, I support H.R. 810 and ask that you vote in favor of overriding the President's veto. My name and address are (fill in your name and address) and I expect a response. Thank you."

The contact information for your Representative is:

Representative William Pascrell
Telephone Number: (202) 225-5751

Thank you for your incredible help. We will keep you updated as events happen on H.R. 810.


Sean Tipton


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