I believe our elected officials passed this bill by a majority because the tax payers were in favor of it and giving one man the right to dictate what we want is dangerous business and I personally think it needs to go.
-------Original Message-------
From: Jim Lubin
Date: 07/20/06 12:26:33
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed
Wrong. Just like the tax payers during the cold war that didn't like their tax money being spent to build nuclear weapons. It's up to our elected officials, like it or not.

At 08:20 AM 7/20/2006, RollinOn wrote:
You're forgetting something very important.
It's not George Bush's money, it's my money and every other tax payer's money and they decided it was ok to use our money to research stem cell lines that aren't available with out signing this bill.
It is the tax payers right to choose how they spend their money or am I wrong?

Jim Lubin              
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