i like the way you think, angelique.  you too, sandy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 1:41 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why

    Good for you Sandy!  I'm with ya!

    If Christianity wasn't holding everything back, there probably would've been a cure by now.  I'm sure this will get some "interesting" feedback, but f*ck it!
    Christianity is the worst thing to happen to the human race.  If Jesus existed, he was an alien, face it.  Immaculate conception?  Try alien abduction and implantation!
    The church always has been a business, and a front for "justifiable" murders.  Hello, Spanish Inquisition.  It always will be about money and control.
    The holy rollers have held medical science back long enough!  Let stem cell research of any kind happen.  I'd donate my eggs!  As far as I'm concerned, being trapped inside your body, looking out from behind your eyes is hell!
    Besides, (if you believe Christian mythology), isn't saying, "I'm sorry," before dying, all it takes to still get passed the pearly gates, no matter how horrible a person you were?  That's how I remember most church sermons going. So what's the big deal?!
YES ON HR 810!


 John, I wish I was part of that conversation. It seems people have become numb since then. I have watched and waited for a long time... and nothing. I read about the work in China and thought "nope". Any time a scientist is secretive about his methods, it raises a red flag. But Johns Hopkins work is a completely new ball game. This is the first true research that could make a difference. This ain't no sham! So if I'm excited about it, f**k everyone else. I have hope in my lifetime.

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