Isn't everyone getting a little tired of all this?  What President, besides John F. Kennedy, have people not bitched about?  No matter who gets in the office ... they never hold their promises.
I am not a "Bush Lover" but all the whining, bitching, and complaining is not getting any one anywhere.  Has anyone here ever felt like they want to run for office in their local towns or their local Senate?  If someone has that has many complaints they should do so! 
Mankind is so shortsighted.  Back in the 60s the riots and upheaval against the war IN VIETNAM makes today look like a birthday party. 
Mankind also never learns.  After World War I--it was said that that was going to be the last war that America would get involved in!  Oh, how sadly shortsighted we are.  World War II, the Korean War, the Gulf War, the war in Vietnam and now the current one.
I cannot remember who HERE said that whenever the government gets involved in trying to find a cure for any disease--it never happens. THAT IS CORRECT!  There is more money involved by not doing so.  The poster here also went on to say that it is only been the private research and development and grassroots efforts that have made any progress so if you are waiting for the government to help you--forget it!  CORRECT AGAIN!
On the other hand, how many of you are getting a check every month from OUR government to 'help you' live on?  'Help' not 'fully support.'  I don't care how much it is.  At one time, that did not even exist.  People fended for themselves or the families took care of the children and infirm.
Further, how many of you are receiving financial assistance paid by our government?  Call it Medicaid, call it public assistance, call it income support, or call it welfare....  You are getting the help are you not!!!  Take a look at how many other countries have this government program to take care of them!  Now that is looking at the bigger picture! It was not there before the Great Depression!  Yes, folks, there was a time where you were not babied so much.  Do we not take it for granted anymore?  If you say you do not, you are a liar.
Then, those in power, can change the rules.  I used to think that by advocating for oneself, defending oneself and trying to get what is due them from working that we would be able to get what we are entitled to.  After six long years I have finally found that "you cannot fight City Hall!"
It is a two-edged sword!
Fight it all out here using war of quad-list posts or run for office!
C4/5 Complete, 26 years post
Tucson, Arizona
-------Original Message-------
From: RollinOn
Date: 7/24/2006 10:56:15 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the "Big Picture"
You know I was a Bush supporter until I opened my eyes and started researching the Big Picture.
It turned out I was wrong about Bush because he was lying to all of us.
We  had no threat from Saddam and they knew it.
Mustard gas has a shelf life of 2 months so that was useless even if he had any.
He had nothing to threaten Americans at all except a dislike for us.
He knew if he tried anything we'd do exactly what we've done and remove him from power and you can bet he didn't want that.
We had him right where we wanted him.
This war isn't about WMD's like we were told it's about oil and their plan to get Democracy in the Middle East which isn't a bad thing but the way it was done had extremely poor judgement and has cost us lots of American lives and shattered our position as World Leaders. We started a war and from looks of things it's turned into WW3.
Here's a dvd you'll find interesting.
Uncovered: The Truth about the war in Iraq.
It interviews CIA officials General and Inspectors and many more.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 07/23/06 18:59:51
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the "Big Picture"
Bush jumped at Sadam to finish what his daddy started - Very few yelled at GHWB in '91 .  Sadam was the biggest bully in the area blowing all sorts of rhetoric at us - he needed spanking.   It seemed it would be 'free'.
In a message dated 7/23/2006 4:03:59 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Your right on Dave!  Nature has to take its coarse, if every embryo became a human the world would be so over populated no one could servive.  Were already on the road to self destruction, hell if nature took it's coarse none of us quads would alive to worry about stem cells.  Don't get me wrong I won't to walk again, and im glad for modern medicine that save so many lives.  Think about it!  Not so long ago when someone was critical there was no cure so nature took it's coarse.  I think Bush doesn't won't to see a cure , same way as he's put so many in harms way all over the world.  Nature means less population! 
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 2:59 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the "Big Picture"

How do you feel about us killing cows and chickens to eat?  What about euthanizing dogs and cats at the pound to control the population?  Do rats and monkeys fall into the protected group?   How about killing flys and mosquitoes - they feed the larger animals you know.
In a related point - our Catholic priest said today birth control like condoms, creams and IUDs are a violation of God's natural law but family size can be regulated by practicing abstinence during times of fertility.  He didn't cover vasectomies or tubal ligations but I think those would be considered violations of natural law as well.
As long as 'God's natural law' is the topic, where do you think artificial resuscitation figures in?  If you blow somebody's lungs up a few times and he comes out of it is that different than breathing for him the rest of his life?  The lines get pretty fuzzy.
P.S. I believe in the natural law that the strongest survive and the rest are at their mercy.
In a message dated 7/23/2006 2:15:12 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
At 01:27 PM 7/23/2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
It is not ok to kill people. We are talking about exploiting the availability of human tissue. Just stem cells. These are not and never will be humans. These are unassigned cells. They have no thoughts, no ambitions, no sense of self, and most importantly, no womb.
If I gave you all the pieces of a an automobile, you would not own a car. Even a good mechanic would only own junk because of the  lack of tools. It isn't the big picture, its the small minds.

Just another thought about what should be considered "a human life". At this point in time, I do believe that a human egg and human sperm make a human being from the time they are joined, from that point the zygote contains all the 46 chromosomes need to be human and it continues to develop.

When NASA scientist talk about "life on Mars" they are talking about microscopic bacteria.

ALH84001 - The Life on Mars meteorite
On August 7, 1996, an historic press conference was held at NASA Headquarters in Washington DC. News that scientists had found evidence of life in a Mars meterorite had leaked out, and NASA had to make an announcement. A few minutes before, President Clinton made these remarks at the White House before heading out on a trip to California:

    "This is the product of years of exploration and months of intensive study by some of the world's most distinguished scientists. Like all discoveries, this one will and should continue to be reviewed, examined and scrutinized. It must be confirmed by other scientists... I am determined that the American space program will put its full intellectual power and technological prowess behind the search for further evidence of life on Mars."

At the press conference, several scientists from NASA and Stanford University announced their findings -- they confirmed that they had found evidence of ancient, fossilized, microscopic life from a Martian meteorite, known as ALH84001.
Implications of Mars Life

While the life they talked about was only microscopic, it has several implications for us macroscopic creatures. If life on Mars is ever proven to exist (or have existed at some point in time), it would mean that the creation of life is not something that happens because of freak chance or divine influence, but is in fact a probable occurrence given the right conditions. Even further, if all that life requires is an aqueous solution like liquid water to grow and thrive (which is the current theory), then the universe is literally teeming with life. The suspected liquid water oceans on some of Jupiter's moons (Europa and Callisto) could be filled with life, and life could still be present underneath the Martian surface, where liquid water and thermal energy are still present.
(source: )

No one called those scientist "nuts" or "lunatics". President Clinton called them "some of the world's most distinguished scientists."

If that's what scientist consider "life" then why not, on the basis of a complete biological analysis, the living human embryo - from the moment of the union of the gametes - should be considered a human being with a well defined identity? (paraphrased from
the document "Scientific and Therapeutic Use of Human Embryonic Stem Cells" ).

Given the right conditions, the human embryo will continue to develop and grow.

Jim Lubin              
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Dave c3-inc-1967
Dave c3-inc-1967

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