Maybe.  My parents, sister, and brother-in-law read the book.  My maternal grandmother immediately said after hearing that they had, "You're going to hell!"  She was serious. We all laughed hysterically.  It's now a running joke, except to her!


 Angie,I'll bet you loved or will love the DaVinci code.Mark,You would kill your child to keep him from going through sci? WOW!O'C  In a message dated 7/26/2006 12:30:58 P.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
    As a kid, I thought that, too.  I didn't know any better!  But I questioned
at it at age 7.  I don't remember what prompted that, I was still normal, and
nothing major had happened to anybody I knew.  But, after questioning it to
myself in my head, I felt different that night at bedtime prayers.  Like,
abandoned.  So, who knows what that was all about.  Everybody's going to learn
someday, right?
    Now, I just don't believe in any of that, at all.  I believe it was all
fabricated and twisted to control the population and get their money, way back
when what I consider Christian Mythology, and the mythical Jesus were created by
some rather clever entrepreneurs.  Look how long their business has lasted.  I
want to take that business class!!

Silas wrote:

> Angelique,
> Before my injury I really believed that there was a kind loving God, don't
> get me wrong I still pray but I get so angry I have trouble with keeping the
> faith.  I can't believe that a loving God would make any of his so called
> children suffer through this every day, I don't see his reasoning at all!
> Silas
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Angelique Novak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: "Quad List" <>
> Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:26 AM
> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
> >    Several years ago the Sci-fi channel was running that series, and I
> > watched
> > it with my parents during dinner, we'd tape it in the morning.  It's also
> > available on DVD now.  We got it for my mom.
> >    I was born, raised, and still in MN, so I'm not laughing, Alan!
> > Several
> > great and cool bands are from New Jersey, like Bruce!  Plus, the Jersey
> > Devil is
> > intriguing.
> >    Your born again son must be difficult for you.  I have some
> > over-Christian
> > relatives, and they used to be a pain!  Now they don't bring anything up,
> > especially since I've taken after my namesake.  (To a point.)
> > -Angie
> >
> > ALAN LABARR wrote:
> >
> >> i loved "dark shadows".  i was a teenager from the farmlands and
> >> foothills
> >> of nj.  stop laughing.  i loved vampires and particularl barnabus
> >> collins.
> >> i am totally with you on the religious issue.  one of my sons has a very
> >> hard time with me as he is born again.
> >>
> >> the voice activated works really well with you or you with it or
> >> together.
> >> ok, Angie.
> >>
> >> alan
> >>
> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> From: "Angelique Novak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> Cc: "Quad List" <>
> >> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:14 PM
> >> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
> >>
> >> >    Yeah, sure.  "Angie," is fine.  I have voice activated software, so
> >> > I
> >> > dictate what I write.  So I don't know about typing difficulties,
> >> > sorry.
> >> >    Anybody that grew up in the 1960s remember the soap opera, "Dark
> >> > Shadows?"
> >> > That's where my mom got, "Angelique," from.
> >> > -Angie
> >> >
> >> > ALAN LABARR wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> i'm with you too, Angelique.  can i call you Angie, cause your full
> >> >> name
> >> >> is
> >> >> hard for me too type.
> >> >>
> >> >> alan
> >> >>
> >> >> ----- Original Message -----
> >> >> From: "Angelique Novak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> >> To: "Quad List" <>
> >> >> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:53 AM
> >> >> Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
> >> >>
> >> >> >    Thanks Lori!  I was surprised with the lack of responses to my
> >> >> > views
> >> >> > on religion, too.  Not that I was trying to start anything with
> >> >> > anybody.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >    It is nice to be able to converse with everyone here.  Especially
> >> >> > you gals!  (Haven't had that since before my injury happened.)  We
> >> >> > are
> >> >> > a
> >> >> > minority, damn straight.  Nothing against you fellas, I like guys
> >> >> > and
> >> >> > everything, but it's not as commonplace finding another chic in this
> >> >> > condition.
> >> >> > -Angelique
> >> >> >
> >

 Dave c3-inc-1967

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