That be great Dan.
I'm not the email police but another thing is I'm not interested in being a voyeur on personal notes between two members.  Lots of people leave due to the number of emails generated from the q-list.  It's a potential of information; however, replying LOL to the whole list is a waste of a byte.
Topics change from spousal neglect to AD to who's going to win the World series (Mets, btw)
So before you hit send check who's in the receive box.  If it says q-list and five other people they get 2 of the same emails.  If you just wish to reply to one member hit reply.
email patrol
----- Original Message -----
From: Dan
Sent: Thursday, July 27, 2006 4:41 PM
Subject: [QUAD-L] Religion and Politics

I see no reason why we shouldn't discuss Religion, Politics or Sex. To me, it makes the list a lot more interesting. If you don't want to read posts about these topics, just hit the delete key. I'm sure there are many people on this list that don't have terrible pain or chronic  utis' or constant bowel problems. So, they delete these posts as they don't pertain to them. The same is true for the previous topics. If they don't interest you - just hit delete. I, for one, have learned a lot from these topics and hope they continue.

Dan V

At 02:41 PM 7/27/2006 -0500, Angelique Novak said something that elicited my response:

Angie,[and others] I have been on this list since 1995 and we have had numerous discussions on religion.  They, of course, got into very heated debates.  Anything with controversy stirs up people's emotions as we just saw with the stem cell example.  Politics discussions have come and gone here just as rapidly.  But they never fail to come around again at some point in time - the nature of the beast of mankind. They say [whoever THEY are] religion, politics and sex are topics to stay away from.  The first two I can definitely understand but I think it would be more interesting to talk about the latter here!!!  Maybe it is a rare occurrence for many members and that is the reason. It usually happens about once a year when religion is brought up.  I remember one time that the posts went on for weeks and weeks.  I always find it interesting to discuss religion and such but it causes such turmoil and nobody is going to change other people's beliefs so I've finally got over it. I most definitely understand where you're coming from but, as you can see, many-a-person's underwear gets into a tight wad even if it is a general statement. I have an older cousin [mid-50s] who was diagnosed with skin cancer about three years ago. His wife is always keeps people updated with his situation but every single one of her e-mails are saturated with God, God, God.  I am glad that they can find solace in their vision of a god but it becomes very distasteful when it takes over the entire e-mail.  I have to bite my tonge every time I receive one of her sickly sweet diatribes. What is more disturbing is that she never gives any of the doctors credit ... it is always God.  One day, we wrote a response just to get it off our chest but we did not send the e-mail.  Now, I just let it roll off my shoulders [sort of] but it is not easy. It is especially annoying to me that, before his diagnosis, they were never so blatantly religious.  So, essentially, they have shown themselves to be emergency-room Christians.  Common, but sad.  Or sick. "I would rather have a mind opened by wonder than one closed by belief." -- Gerry Spence LoriC4/5 COMPLETE, 26 years postTucson, Arizona

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