I to believe there is a God. They say God gave man free will which means whether we caused our own accidents or someone else did or just by chance it was by something else (sickness). They say that God doesn't put on us more than we can handle. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger. I for one am doing better now than when I was A.B. I was going down a bad road and I've learned that life is valuable and worth living and to live it to the fullest. It has also made my daughter stronger. She's a very caring daughter and I think she looks at life alot differently with me being in a chair. Which is a good thing. I for one see nothing good that comes from blaming it doesn't change anything, but if we can look at what we do have and not at what we've lost it does make it better.

"David K. Kelmer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Mark,
I believe there is an equal balance in this earth.  I believe there is a God, but I also believe there is an Evil at work here.  I believe that there is always a balance between the two.  We all have been given a free-will to make our choices with.  I never could understand why when something good happens to people they say, "Thank God," and when something bad happens they say, "Why God?"  I could never understand why evil is always given a free pass.
Free-will means we hold the power in our souls to make our choices, but we aren't making these choices is a vacuum.    Both good and evil are at work together to make things balance out.
I just found out that a kid that was always hanging out with my son when they were young just got ambushed in Iraq.  Did God have something to do with that attack, or did God have something to do with the fact that he is alive in a German hospital?  Free-will allows us to decide what God did or what Evil did in every situation in life.
Stay strong.
With Love,

CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

RollinOn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Silas, me you think a lot a like.
I don't see how I could have more compassion for my children than my own creator because I would never let my child go through this if I was capable of stopping it.
-------Original Message-------
From: Silas
Date: 07/26/06 11:15:33
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
Before my injury I really believed that there was a kind loving God, don't
get me wrong I still pray but I get so angry I have trouble with keeping the
faith.  I can't believe that a loving God would make any of his so called
children suffer through this every day, I don't see his reasoning at all!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Angelique Novak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Quad List" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 8:26 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
>    Several years ago the Sci-fi channel was running that series, and I
> watched
> it with my parents during dinner, we'd tape it in the morning.  It's also
> available on DVD now.  We got it for my mom.
>    I was born, raised, and still in MN, so I'm not laughing, Alan!
> Several
> great and cool bands are from New Jersey, like Bruce!  Plus, the Jersey
> Devil is
> intriguing.
>    Your born again son must be difficult for you.  I have some
> over-Christian
> relatives, and they used to be a pain!  Now they don't bring anything up,
> especially since I've taken after my namesake.  (To a point.)
> -Angie
> ALAN LABARR wrote:
>> i loved "dark shadows".  i was a teenager from the farmlands and
>> foothills
>> of nj.  stop laughing.  i loved vampires and particularl barnabus
>> collins.
>> i am totally with you on the religious issue.  one of my sons has a very
>> hard time with me as he is born again.
>> the voice activated works really well with you or you with it or
>> together.
>> ok, Angie.
>> alan
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Angelique Novak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Cc: "Quad List" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 4:14 PM
>> Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
>> >    Yeah, sure.  "Angie," is fine.  I have voice activated software, so
>> > I
>> > dictate what I write.  So I don't know about typing difficulties,
>> > sorry.
>> >    Anybody that grew up in the 1960s remember the soap opera, "Dark
>> > Shadows?"
>> > That's where my mom got, "Angelique," from.
>> > -Angie
>> >
>> > ALAN LABARR wrote:
>> >
>> >> i'm with you too, Angelique.  can i call you Angie, cause your full
>> >> name
>> >> is
>> >> hard for me too type.
>> >>
>> >> alan
>> >>
>> >> ----- Original Message -----
>> >> From: "Angelique Novak" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> >> To: "Quad List" <quad-list@eskimo.com>
>> >> Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 11:53 AM
>> >> Subject: [QUAD-L] Re: Angelique and Sandy
>> >>
>> >> >    Thanks Lori!  I was surprised with the lack of responses to my
>> >> > views
>> >> > on religion, too.  Not that I was trying to start anything with
>> >> > anybody.
>> >> >
>> >> >    It is nice to be able to converse with everyone here.  Especially
>> >> > you gals!  (Haven't had that since before my injury happened.)  We
>> >> > are
>> >> > a
>> >> > minority, damn straight.  Nothing against you fellas, I like guys
>> >> > and
>> >> > everything, but it's not as commonplace finding another chic in this
>> >> > condition.
>> >> > -Angelique
>> >> >

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