GeeZ.  For awhile I thought that same.And I didn't want to be part of his thing. But 1/2 x carried a brief case with his written wishes, in the event of an emergency and he wanted any efforts to survive. He wife divorced him awhile back and his kids and extended family doesn't have anything to do with him since he taken up with a girl that is 1/2 his age.(lol)
My heart goes out to the guy and I'm sure that if anyone else on this board were faced with the same situation, they would have done the same as I.
In a message dated 8/7/2006 2:33:12 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
He sounds like he has a death wish. Who travels without battery chargers? Plus most of us are tuned in to our bodies big time so he had to know his lungs were full of gunk. His actions and decisions make no sense. W, you have the patience of a saint!

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