Hello Rhonda,
Welcome to the list first off and glad to see you getting out and enjoying life after sci.
-------Original Message-------
Date: 08/14/06 14:15:10
Subject: [QUAD-L] IKAN? Yes you can!:
Hello everyone!

My name is Rhonda and I am new to the Quad List.  Well, actually, I joined the Quad List many years ago, but do to health and computer problems I had to unsubscribe about a week after I joined.  I never had a chance to reply to any email or make new friends.  So, technically, I am new to the list.  I became a C4-5 complete quadriplegic in a car crash in 1991.  Since then I have tried to make the best of my life as a quad.  I love being outdoors, going to movies, listening to Country music, working on my voice activated computer, and most of all, I enjoy bowling!  Yes, I actually bowl even though I am completely paralyzed from the neck down.  Are you curious as to how that's possible?  Well, MGT Corporation, which was co-founded by a quadriplegic named Bill Miller, has products that can enable virtually ANY WHEELCHAIR USER to BOWL and/or PLAY POWER SOCCER, a fast-growing sport amongst power wheelchair users.  You CAN bowl and/or play power soccer with the IKAN Bowler® and IKAN Soccer Guard (I kan?  Yes you can!:).

Furthermore, MGT just started a program called the "IKAN User Reward and Give Back Program."  Basically, this means...

A 10% commission is rewarded to any IKAN User or representative whose introduction of MGT's IKAN products to others results in a sale!  Additionally, 5% of the retail price is "given back" to a resource organization or rehab facility of the purchaser's choice! 
These are just a few suggestions of recipients for the 5% Give Back Program: the Miami Project to Cure Paralysis, the Christopher Reeve Foundation, the Muscular Dystrophy Association, United Cerebral Palsy, or any similar organization or perhaps a rehab facility or hospital that has assisted you, a friend or loved one. 

That's 15% that either directly or indirectly helps wheelchair users!

Not only can wheelchair users BOWL and/or PLAY POWER SOCCER, but they can RECEIVE MONEY -- just by spreading the word!!!  Each purchase also helps organizations that support wheelchair users -- it's REALLY THAT SIMPLE!!!  Medical experts and IKAN Users have said using IKAN products is therapeutic, rehabilitative, social, recreational, competitive, and FUN!  :-)

I have been bowling with the IKAN Bowler for about 3 years.  It gives me a sense of independence and I have a "ball" doing it!

For serious bowlers with severe disabilities, the IKAN Bowler opens up a new competitive outlet and is the first device of its kind sanctioned for league play by the United States Bowling Congress (USBC).  IKAN Bowler users can join any league, anywhere, both with and against able-bodied bowlers and/or fellow IKAN Users (there is/will be a periodic nation-wide tournament for IKAN bowlers where each entrant bowls at his or her home bowling center and mails-in verified scores).

If you or someone you know wants to bowl or play power soccer but can't afford to buy IKAN products, MGT says: "contact us, and we will attempt to get your local bowling center or a local service group (like a Rotary Club) to provide equipment that can be shared by wheelchair users in their community."

This is TRULY a win, win, win opportunity for everyone involved! 

If you have any questions for me about the IKAN Bowler or other Quad related topics, please feel free to email me through the Quad List and I will be happy to try to answer them.

PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD and let's help wheelchair users!
Visit www.MGTCorp.com to learn more or make a purchase!

For additional information, MGT can be reached toll free at 1-800-675-8598 but they ask that you please visit their website first, if possible.  Thanks!


Rhonda Reese (Quad List Newbie:-)


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