Good luck. I hope everything goes good for your surgery and recovery.
You'll be in my thoughts and Prayers

~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Well the date I've been waiting for!!! My surgery is scheduled for Sept. 11 @ 7am, which means I have to be there at 5am! For those of you who know me, it must be important if I'm getting out of bed by 10am!!! I will take my great Ipod and jam away while they cut and stick me! haha
If you didn't know about it, it is a baclofen pump I'm having put in my left side below ribs. Only place it can go actually! The doctor laughed when he looked at my small frame...
This will reduce my involuntary spasms hopefully to zero! Which will give me a much smoother and calmer day and especially night. My girl Velevet is tired of getting a knee in the head!
I will be released from the hospital the same day, so no flowers to be sent there! As always call my cell, the house is forwarded to it now anyway! haha
Talk to you soon...

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