I've seen some amazing rigs and rituals that people use for hanging bedbags so they fill with comfort and avoid back preasure. After 31 years I have this down to a simple matter of water always seeking the lowest point. When you lay in bed route the catheter over your leg and into a loop on the bed. The loop should be large enough that the line hanging down never drops below the bottom of the bag and the higher the more comfortable it will be. Those little green clips with rubber bands keep the loop from falling off the bed. As it fills with urine it creates a mild vacuum that actually helps condom catheters stay on better.This same vacuum also aids in draining the bladder  and keeping it draining without any backup.
I've seen hospitals and nursing homes where the bag line lays on the floor and then goes back up to the bag. This is uncomfortable and very likely to pull off external catheters. Gravity loops are working best when full of urine. Do not play with them and empty them as this eliminates its vacuum effect.


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