I recently asked about specialty mattresses and wheelchair was nice enough to do some extensive research to discover the original manufacturer of my previous mattress. They sadly wanted entirely too much without any guarantee whatsoever.
Anyway, I did quite a bit of searching and ended up purchasing a mattress pad for around $65. It did not appear to be the most durable item, but it came with a patch kit and it did work well for me for more than a month. I did not have to be turned at all and it was quite comfortable.
Me, being one that is never satisfied, decided to look into some other viable options in case this one failed and lucked out in finding a clearance on eBay. I was able to get a roughly $1400 mattress for $150. This item has not been available for a while, but I just did a check on eBay and found the same company I purchased mine through offering these mattresses for the same amount.
My mattress did come with the back slightly torn, but it did not affect the use of the mattress at all. I wrote to the company and they guaranteed the product and since the product was used I sterilize the mattress and mattress cover. Since I had received such invaluable advice from this site, I thought I would share this with everyone.
The following website is the page which shows mattress pads for roughly $70 plus:
The following website is the page which depicts the $150 mattress which is designed for stage I V decubitus ulcers:
The following website offers a multitude of mattresses, but it gives you an idea of how much the previous mattress actually does cost.
Hopefully someone can benefit from this.
Quadius (Billy)

Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Kathy and others.........has your pain increased as time has gone by ?  I just passed 9 years as a quad, I thought In time things would get better but it seems to be the opposite. The 1st 3 or 4 years I could sleep like a baby most of the night but now I suffer most the nights in pain getting very little good sleep rest-- I feel exhausted all the time. I take amitriptyline ( elavil ) at nights to sleep and it helps some. At night it seems my blood does not circulate good, I think I may try one of those air pressure relief electric mattresses that shift your weight when I can afford it, I know a few of the quads say they really help.  Anyway I'm just curious to know if most of your pain levels increased -- got better -- or remained about the same ???             Dan

Hi Ron,
I had been taking neurotin   for 7 years and  it had increased to 1200 mg 3x a day.   My neuropathy really covers me all over and I can take different muscle relaxers , pain pills,  and botox shots
and still have pain.
My doctors had told me about lyrica and it is the "new" miracle medicine that is suppose to work wonders.  I have been on it for 6 weeks and they have raised it once.  I am taking 300 mg 2x  a day and they say it can be increased a lot more.  My baclofen has also been increased to 20 mg 3x a day.  Right now I am super sensitive to touch.  Bathing is horrible, I can't  stand the feel of the bath cloth and towel going up and down my skin.  I am crying by the time I am dressed.  Then I have to take the pain pills.
The pain clinic is a new doctor to me and he says if I will hang in there he believes that lyrica will solve my pain when we find the right dose.  I wish they could increase  it faster.
Kathy in Mississippi

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