Sorry to hear about your wounds that aren't healing.  I will put you  on my 
prayer list.  I know how that can be I had one two years ago  that took six 
months.  I'll have to look up the name of what they used to  put inside.  It 
seemed to really work.  It was something that caused  it to heal.


Ok Silas I'll have them duct taped and crossed tonight!
Merry Xmas
Mark Jackson


----- Original Message ----- 
From:  _Silas_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ( ;_Anne Tripicchio_ 
Sent: 12/19/2006 12:18:22 PM 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] New Years  Resolutions

My Resolution, 
Do what ever it takes to get these 2 agrivating  wounds healed on my butt, 
there not big as a dime but the little basterds  won't close.  Even if I have 
spend time in bed, im using the tea man  their really clean and bleed when the 
packing is removed.  Keep your  fingers crossed for me, for you like that can't 
move your fingers get your aid  to cross them.  Lol.  Merry Christmas to all 
and  a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!  

----- Original Message ----- 
From:  _Anne Tripicchio_ (mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  
Sent: Tuesday, December 19, 2006 8:05  AM
Subject: [QUAD-L] New Years  Resolutions

I’m trying to make  some good New Year’s Resolutions for 2007 and I was 
wondering what everyone  else is planning to do? We all know the standard 
resolutions such as eating  healthy and exercising more but I wanted to see if 
were any creative  ideas out there. What’s new for you in 2007? 
Hope you have a  Happy Holiday and a Healthy New Year! 

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