Hi I thank a telephone chain sounds great.I have a cell phone and I have free 
nights and weekends.  My News years Resolution is to get thought till spring 
with my classes,I graduate this spring.
  Wheelchair Warrior

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--- Begin Message ---
Telephone chains are nothing new. They have been around for decades.   A very 
handy way to find out and keep and eye on loved ones.  Then cell  phones were 
created and long distance calls were free, for the most part.   Then once 
again, people became too busy.
There was a story about a person who started a phone chain on the  suggestion 
of their church elder, pastor or rabbi and called anyone on the list,  made 
sure they were ok and disconnected.  Before long the chain had grown  on 
referrals from other churches and organizations.  Some of those short  calls 
developed into longer conversation and lasting friendships. One of those  woman 
was contacted 3 times a week by phone, chose upon her timely passing  to will a 
greater part of her fortune to the one person who took the time to  call her 
and see how see was doing all those months and weeks before she  passed.  The 
amount was quite substantial.  Kindness, or was it?
Best Wishes
In a message dated 12/19/2006 4:44:05 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

I think  that phone chain idea is great.  A friend of the family has been 
sitting  for months waiting for a hip replacement.  She called me the other day 
with a raspy voice from dehydration because she hadn't been drinking.   She 
wanted to limit trips to the bathroom.  It was a shock to hear  that.  She 
should have been in a hospital, getting adequate food, drink  and assistance.  
got my mom to call her, my mom called her family, and  now she's in the 
hospital- AND she has a pressure sore.  She could have  wasted away to nothing 
if my 
mom didn't call her family.  She's very  stubborn AND doesn't have enough 

--- End Message ---

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