Hi Wheels,
  I took the test and the results say that I will die two days short of 64 
years after my SCI, and 48 days short of my 87th birthday.  I can live with 
that.    LOL
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 30 Years Post
Texas, USA

        I posted the wrong site, geeez.   It should be www.deathclock.com     
My thanks to Stuntman for 
  alerting me.   If it works for anyone, please send me an email from Damon or 
where ever, lol
  In a message dated 1/4/2007 1:59:00 P.M. Central Standard Time, wheelchair 
    I've been fortunate to have attended a couple of National Conferences for 
SCI and that question is always asked by several people, with different 
  The reply I've been told and continue to hear is that most SCI can expect a 
normal life compared to someone without a SCI.  The odds of every element to 
that question was considered before the experts answered.
  Those with SCI usually take better care of their bodies than those without a 
SCI.  So we all could be back to square one.
  For the latest in Longevity, go to: www.deathwatch.com  and enter your 
information.  You will then receive the date and time of your demise.  How 
kewl, eh?   Takes all the guest work out of life. (lol)


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