I'm also wondering how the 2nd version differs from the 1st.  I have a
feeling that the 2nd version is just a newly configured Sicare lite.
Hopefully though, with more adjustability.

Like you, I can't input 3 digit TV #'s either.  But I can operate my cable
box (called Moxi).  So I basically "surf" my TV channels with the Moxi
onscreen interface (i.e. Move Up/Down, Right/Left, etc.). 



www.MurGallery.com <http://www.murgallery.com/> 



-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Oldaker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 5:52 PM
To: 'Mike Murach'; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com;
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units




Will your SiCare allow you to operate your cable TV box and/or TV,
specifically, can you access 3 digit channels directly?


I still have and use the SiCare Lite 1 and it continues to work well, but
while it will allow me to control my TV, it doesn't work with my specific
cable box, and it will only allow me to go to a channel directly if it is 2
digits or less.  They don't make this model any more.  It cost $800 several
years ago.  I consider it a bargain for the amount of time and utility I
have gotten from it.  I have taken it with me to the hospital on several
occasions and was able to program it to work with the hospital TVs.
Unfortunately, if your device isn't among the pre-programmed options for the
respective devices, i.e. TV, VCR, CD player, and tuner, you are out of luck.
I even looked into getting my device programmed to work with other specific
remote controls I use frequently, and Tash wanted $200 per remote and I
would have had to send them my SiCare and the remote(s), since my unit is
not programmable beyond what is already included.


I am seriously considering the SiCare Lite 2, especially if the return
policy allows me to send it back if it is not significantly better than my
current SiCare device.


I am wondering what additional features your SiCare unit has that the SiCare
Lite 2 does not have.





From: Mike Murach [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 2:53 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units

Here is a link to it: http://www.tashinc.com/catalog/env_sicare.html

It's certainly not cheap, but it's a great product!  The Sicare operates my
front door, camera, and intercom.  In my bedroom it operates my TV, stereo,
CD player (books on CD), tape player (books on tape), and DVD player.  It
operates, via X-10's, my heater, heating blanket, fans, attendant beeper,
and alternating air cushion.  Lastly it gives me access to a telephone.  All
of the above is done through voice control.  Also, my insurance company
(Travelers) paid for it all.



www.MurGallery.com <http://www.murgallery.com/> 



-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 3:04 AM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Environmental Control Units


What is the price?  Do you know any web sites that tell about this?  What
kinds of things does this device do for you? How long have you had the
units?  Longevity of unit?


Thank you,

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