I was planning on using the Apple cider and honey remedy which wheelchair 
mentioned, but my urologist thought I needed to wait until we determine which 
type of stones I have in my bladder, before I start this remedy.  She mentioned 
it could make the problem worse if it is a certain type.  I haven't had a 
chance to look at the website someone posted on here a while back, but I 
definitely am going to be checking it out soon.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:    I'm glad to  hear you have solved that problem. It 
must suck to have a sack of rocks where your suppose to have a water bag. It 
should be a headsup to the rest of us to get our bladders checked every year to 
18 months. We loose calcium at a remarkable rate compared to any other people 
beside astronauts. Calcium leaves via kidneys and bladder. When mixed with 
other solid particulates that kidneys extract, you get some rocks! I am sure 
you will feel much better. I haven't used any anisthesia for cysto yet. I heard 
the first doctor to do a cystoscopy did it on himself in the late 1700s. I 
figured it must not be that painfull. Now I know better. I don't let them use a 
general because if they break something I want to be able to yell.
  I had versid last time and was pretty wacked but able to speak. It wore off 
way too fast and by golly, I hadn't quite cleaned my bowel before surgery. 
Doctor earned his money. 
  50, C-5, 31 years post
-----Original Message-----
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 7:20 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Supra-pubic question

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Well, the only clear catheter I have used was a silicone product, so I have no 
idea how well the latex works. I myself am allergic to silicone catheters, but 
it seems as if the majority of people do not have this problem.
  I did, however, just get back up in my chair again after recuperating from 
cystoscopy - lithotripsy. Fortunately I only had to undergo a spinal block, so 
I was able to get home quite a bit quicker than I had originally anticipated. 
They removed a ton of stones from my bladder and right now my catheter seems to 
be going it much easier. When my urologist saw how many stones were in my 
bladder during the original cystoscopy, she said my problem putting in the 
catheter was most likely the result of too many stones. Thankfully she has been 
correct on this point.

Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   You guys are making me nervous! I've had a SP 
for 2 years now and only 1 or maybe 2 UTIs and no real problems changing it - 
every 3 weeks. From the beginning, I've used the brown rubber latex type. The 
new batch they just sent me are clear see through latex. Should I be concerned? 
How many of you all use these clear latex types?

Dan V   

At 12:57 PM 1/7/2007 -0800, B. Kimberlin \(Quadius\) said something that 
elicited my response:
Just curious, are you using a silicone catheter or latex.  I had an allergy to 
the silicone catheter and they cost me significant problems.  1.  The skin 
around my suprapubic light to adhere to my catheter as well as my bladder skin. 
 2.  I continuously felt as if I had a UTI.  3.  Had extraordinary difficulty 
getting new catheters in after removing the older ones.
Once I switched back
to latex, I had no difficulties, except the occasional stone.
Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     
         Hi all,     The last few months the tissue around my supra-pubic has 
been bleeding more than it used to. Has anyone else had that problem or know of 
a product that may help that?? It seems a while back I think someone said they 
spayed miricle mist on theirs and it seemed to help, if anyone knows -- please 
post.  Thanks ALL and hope we all have a good new year ahead of us !            
                                                Dan H. 

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