Danny, a big happy birthday to you!  Celebrate the good times and do what you 
can do when you're able as I tell my parents and I repeat to myself we might 
not always be able to be go and do as we wish.  So, the sky's the limit.  
Celebrate as never before!  I'm glad you are part of the quad list and enjoy 
corresponding with you.  Have a great birthday... Dan T.

Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    Hi all----- Today i'm 50 years 
old......wow a half a century !  My family members are all calling today saying 
Happy Birthday , Old Man . LOL   I tell them...well I may be old but this old 
dude don't have any gray hair on his head yet !    P.S,---I do have a few on my 
chin whiskers if I let them grow out tho  lol  --   Keep me in prayers or 
thoughts as I go Monday morning to get a golf ball sized bladder stone removed, 
And thanks for the imput by all and web site Dave provided on that subject.     
             Danny c-6   9 .5 years Post 

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