i love it

"B. Kimberlin (Quadius)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I watched the first 
episode and saw where it was heading, so not wanting to rehash all of the 
things I went through when I was injured, I decided not to pursue the show.  I 
have, however, heard from other people it is quite good, but it is not my cup 
of tea any longer.

Dan Tessiatore <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   William, no I did not see the 
medical examiner but earlier this week I happened to turn on Friday Night 
Lights, never saw the show before.  One of the characters is a para who had a 
girlfriend whose father intimated that dating him and furthering his 
relationship would be the equivalent of going through hell.  I got such a warm 
and fuzzy feeling watching it.  It seems as though the para character  Agrees 
with the father and the next thing I know he's engaged to the girl.  Anybody 
else see it... Dan T.

William Willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:   Anybody watch Dr.G, Medical 
Examiner last night? It was about a para who had a 
died of decubiti on his butt/leg. The sore actually had maggots in it. He 
was 20 yrs. post gunshot wound. Since he died from that wound, the shooter 
was charged with murder - 20 yrs. after the fact!

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