Good point.  Our experience is what I think make us a group.  Everyone has
their own way of framing their own perception of this and deciding where
they do or don't belong.  Obviously, SOMETHING has brought us to this group,
as anyone reading this has not yet unsuscribed  :-)

I don't know when your paper is due, Nicki, but I just looked up disability
studies books at Amazon, and there are a few.  I think one that I liked was
by Sharon L Snyder.  People have degrees in this very subject(s).  Another
book I read was No Pity, which was pretty good.  If the paper is just on
what you think, then go for it.  We do have the opportunity these days to
read up on it since we are gaining understanding of the way social
constructs work for or against us.

It's deep.


We are a group of individuals brought together by common
circumstances. therefor we Are a group of disabled people united for
a fight against discrimination. that sole factor makes us a united
minority... if we want to see it or not.

Life is 440 horsepower in a 2-cylinder engine.
-Henry Miller

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