John, you are so right! It makes my blood boil when I hear politicians and your 
average Joe claiming that those ****ing wet backs are ruining not only our 
economy but our country too. So what's their answer to this 'problem' build a 
'fence' and patrol it with armed men. Yeah - that's the solution - shoot the 
bastards! Kinda sounds like the Berlin Wall doesn't it. Force and gaining 
wealth is all this country knows or cares about. It seems diplomacy and helping 
lesser countries is considered a sign of weakness.

It's the same with health care. We are the ONLY industrialized country in the 
world that doesn't have universal health care. And what's our excuse? We can't 
afford it! The richest country can't afford it - yeah, right. While we spend 
trillions on war. And of course we criticize those countries that do have it 
even though many of them have a far better record of health care and healthy 
citizens than we do. 

This country is on a course of self destruction.


At 04:46 PM 3/10/2007 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something that elicited my 
>I'm sick of those canadians coming here and working then wanting the benefits 
>only Americans were suppose to get. Whenever they talk about illegal aliens I 
>start watching the other hand cause illegal aliens is code for we got 
>something we don't want the press to think about. 
>We stole the southwest fair n square and if they want to visit relatives we 
>shouldn't have to let them back in!
>The illegal alien crap has been a joke ever since 1849. I vote we send them 
>back in the order they came. Spanish, french and english first. Then we can 
>ditch those drunken Irish and the dang Italians. Good ridance to them and 
>their honorable mafia, and we won't forget the chinese and the japanese. If 
>your lineage doesn't go back before Columbus, get out!
>As long as we treat the subject with consistancy, I'm fine!
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Sat, 10 Mar 2007 4:06 PM
>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Important!
>I refused a phone solicitor support for McCain a few days ago because of 
>seeing his name on someone's list as a supporter for giving illegal aliens 
>Social Security benefits.  I suppose the appropriate response to these calls 
>is to refuse support because of some such claim since all candidates are 
>likely to lie about this to support their current needs anyway.  I'm not 
>saying all politicians are lying, cheating, deceiving, blowhards - but better 
>adjectives fail me presently.
>In a message dated 3/10/2007 3:46:57 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, [EMAIL 
>PROTECTED] writes:  
>How would we get the information about these important issues about the 
>Senators if you cannot e-mail the information, Jim 
>thank you for your information and I would appreciate your continued 
>assistance to know what to write to the senator and representative.  It is 
>kind of confusing when you don't know there's stance on the issues. 
>AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
>AOL at <>  
>Dave <>Visit My Home Page
>AOL now offers free email to everyone. Find out more about what's free from 
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