10-4 g/f.  My ab wife prefers a good massage from my fairly functional  hand 
as the 'normal' positions force all the 'work' onto her and don't really  
allow her to relax and enjoy the moment.  We've  been together for 33  years 
and 'performance' has never been an issue.  We have 3 healthy  kids and 4 grand 
kids now.  I fed, diapered, and took my kids everywhere,  and now i'm driving 
the grands around to schools and soccer games.  Don't  ever accept that you 
can't do something before you try it a dozen or two  times.  Sure it's hard,  
easy is for sissies and incompetents.   We're above that.
_Dave & Patty's Grandkids_ (http://ocgrands.com/)  
In a message dated 4/8/2007 7:14:37 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

Ok...I always have to jump in on this subject. I am an Ab girlfriend of a  
quad...(Hi honey!). Sex is not an issues as far as I am concerned. I think he  
worries more about it than I do. First of all there is more than one way to  
please a woman. I very much enjoy the intimacy that we have. I have never been  
so close to anyone. It takes a special bond to get over the embarrasing  
issuses of sex and quad-dom. You have to be very open and have an open mind to  
ideas. The only issues that I have is lack of privacy and time. For  
me...satisfaction is not a problem. I am sure that HE would be more  happier 
with more 
orgasms for his part...wouldn't we all...LOL. I am not sure  how to say what 
I am trying to get accross. If you truly love someone then sex  will work 
itself out. If you are with the right partner then any issues can be  worked 
around with a little creativity. I am sure some AB's that know we are  in a 
relationship have their heads spinning trying to figure us out! 
Just be open and talk honsestly with your partner....if they are not  
comfortable with the situation...then get a new partner. Guys...quit worring  
so much 
and relax! I promise that sex for women is mostly in our  heads...compliment 
us..makes us feel special and wanted. That is what we all  need most. If young 
guys would learn this from the beginning they would have  it made. Some 
things do get better with age. HAVE  FUN!


Women can, but men can't.  How unfair is that.
Be cautious.  Bacteria is always present in the bladder of the  person with 
the injury.
But it can be done.  It has been done and it continues to be  done.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 4/7/2007 8:38:35 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  


does  anyone have sex with an indwelling  catheter?

this sounds risky to me... am i the only one? it could be pulled  out or 
cause infection... yikes!


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