I got this today and was excited to learn about all the other ways that won't, 
(hopefully), cause any controversies that will slow down the process of finding 
a cure for SCI paralysis, (among many other things), and wanted to keep 
everybody in the loop if they weren't already.  I hope this is exciting for 
everybody.  I'm excited about it!  Any way that works, I'm for.  The ways 
listed below, I don't see anyone not being for.  So that's really exciting!  
For all of us!  (No, I'm not getting my hopes up for a cure anytime soon, but a 
cure, no matter when found, is exhilarating.)


  In my opinion, the President's current policy does not provide enough federal 
funding for embryonic stem cell research. I believe we can and must do more to 
advance this life-saving research. However, I do not support the use of federal 
dollars to destroy an embryo, and I will continue to oppose any stem cell 
research bill that crosses this important ethical line. 
  Thankfully, scientific advances today allow us to move forward on embryonic 
stem research without harming the human embryo. Some of these methods include 
Altered Nuclear Transfer which programs an unfertilized egg to produce 
embryonic stem cells. Another method uses embryos that have naturally died, but 
from which stem cells may still be derived and used. Both of these methods, and 
potentially others down the road, create the valuable pluripotent stem cells 
that have made embryonic stem cell research so desirable. But they do so 
without destroying embryos. 
  In addition, I am greatly encouraged that non-embryonic stem cell research 
has already progressed to the point where patients are benefiting from the 
results. Diabetic children are receiving transplants of stem cells from 
umbilical cords and seeing a decrease in blood glucose levels. Studies have 
also shown that Parkinson's symptoms can be tremendously improved using 
treatments derived from Human Retinal Pigment Epithelial cells. The list of 
successes is a long one. 
  Currently Congress faces a couple of dead end choices. Members could pass 
legislation that allows federal funding for stem cell research that involves 
the destruction of human embryos, knowing full well the President will once 
again veto it. Members could also vote against federal funding for any type of 
embryonic stem cell research and miss the opportunity to move this important 
science forward. However, my hope is to move beyond these roadblocks and 
provide significant funding for stem cell research that is not being federally 
funded today, but does not cross the ethical line of destroying a human embryo. 
  Earlier this year I introduced legislation called the Hope Offered through 
Principled, Ethically-Sound Stem Cell Research Act or the "HOPE" Act (S. 363). 
The bill provides $5 billion in federal funding for both embryonic and 
non-embryonic stem cell research which does not harm or destroy a human embryo. 
My bill also creates a National Stem Cell Research Review Board that will 
provide ethical oversight, define research practices and interpret legal 
guidelines with regard to federally funded stem cell research. Additionally, 
the bill defines ethical guidelines for informed consent and for commerce 
involving human eggs, embryos and embryonic stem cell lines. 
  I believe that my legislation achieves the goals of advancing life-saving 
research without being vulnerable to a veto. I am optimistic that my HOPE Act 
offers a bipartisan solution to our nation and Congress who are split over this 
emotional and divisive issue. 
  Thank you once again for contacting me. I value your advice. I hope you will 
not hesitate to contact me on any issue of concern to you and your family. 
Norm Coleman
United States Senate

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