John, where ever you got your education, I want to go there.

Dan V

At 03:24 PM 4/17/2007 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something that elicited my 
>I wrote that. I appologize if it offended anyone. I'm on drug therapy and 
>alone a lot. i'm sure I had a point or something that went with it, but my 
>appology stands. I wasn't trying to offend anyone, except maybe a few religous 
>hypocrits that aren't on the list.
>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Mon, 16 Apr 2007 12:55 PM
>Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] freedom of speech
>At 07:20 PM 4/15/2007 -0700, Dan T said something that elicited my response:
>>I think the excess eggs should be served at communion. Like the caviar of 
>>Christ or something. Maybe add a caudacill from Mary 
>>false and malicious statement or report about someone
>Well as Catholics we are suppose to believe that the Host IS the BODY and 
>of Christ - kind of gruesome when you think about it. So doesn't it follow 
>that this would be an appropriate use of these soon to be trashed cells? 
>Anyway, the correct definition of Libel is:  "A false publication, as in 
>writing, print, signs, or pictures, that damages a person's reputation." Or: 
>"a false and malicious publication printed for the purpose of defaming a 
>living person". You left out the last clause. In any event, it doesn't damage 
>anyones reputation.
>What about hate talk? It certainly isn't that. The following are a few 
>examples of hate talk:  
>'We ought to send those niggers back to Africa where they came from'. 
>'All cripples should be shot as all they do is leech off the system.' 
>'Those God damn Jews killed Jesus and I say they should pay for it'. 
>See the difference?  You may not like what was posted to this list and that is 
>your prerogative so just delete it. And toughen up your skin a little - it's a 
>rough world out there ;)
>Dan V 
>>Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
>>Dan T, 
>>If you can find them, where are they? Are they really Hate talk? Are they 
>>really slander (actually the correct word is libel)? If so, please give me 
>>the legal definition of the two (you can use a free on-line dictionary) and 
>>how they relate. I am also a Catholic but I was not offended by anything I 
>>read on this topic.    
>>Dan V
>>At 08:34 PM 4/13/2007 -0700, Dan T said something that elicited my response: 
>>>Dan, I can find those items you questioned below and they are particularly 
>>>offensive to me as a Catholic.  Dan T.
>>>Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>>What in the Hell are you people talking about! Hate talk? By who? Slander? 
>>>By who? Remember boys and girls just because someone doesn't agree with you, 
>>>you can't start calling them names. If you can't stand the heat, get out of 
>>>the kitchen. In other words, grow up.
>>>Dan V 
>>Jim Lubin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
>>You can't use "freedom of speech" to justify hate speech. It was completely 
>>uncalled for, as were most of his other rants. 
>>Angie, I think you were the one that brought up the freedom of speech issue 
>>but with that freedom comes responsibility.  No one has the right to slander 
>>others or their beliefs.  A point or opinion can be expressed civilly.  Dan 
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