City of Chicago, has the best program.  The Crip Patrol.  So  successful with 
their ticket writing program and conviction rate that it was  hired and now 
works for Illinois Dept of Revenue.  This crew is faster than  any meter maid 
you ever saw when writing a ticket.  Not a citation, but a  real ticket.  The 
crew carries with them a 4 pound computer and scanner  with picture taking 
capabilities.  Less than a minute ticket written and  issued to those in 
of parking in an ADA space, without displaying the  necessary tags, license 
or placards.
On the weekend they, with the co operation of Illinois State Police attend  
major people events with cars.
The sting operation with test the driver's tags to see if the tags were  
issued to the driver.  Fines are heavy, vehicles are towed, driver's  licenses 
suspended and tags and plates have been seized.
It ain't perfect, but the best going yet.  Evanston, IL, just north of  
Chicago as has a Crip Patrol.  A very successful program.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 5/8/2007 3:39:43 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

In Flint, MI they have the Handicapped  Parking Enforcement Team made up of 
paras and quads deputized for parking  enforcement.  They patrol all parking 
areas, malls, stores, etc.   They show up in court when anyone contests a 
ticket.  Most change their  minds when they see the deputy is in a wheelchair 
pay the fine.  They  have also ticketed police cars.  Police can only park in a 
h/c spot in  cases of emergency.


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