Sorry to read your problem Mark.  It should be a industry standard or  
atleast a personal standard that no one touch a chair, scooter, or van unless  
are certified by the manufacturer, under warranty to do so.   Otherwose, you 
have a lot of disinterested and untrained parties "learning at  your expense."
As a consumer, you assume that all McDonald's hamburgers are made and taste  
the same.  As a consumer, you should NOT assume that anyone who  touches your 
chair or scooter is certified and properly trained.  You don't  have to be 
rude, just ask, "Are you Certified by the Manufacturer to perform  this task or 
work."  You can also make up your own contracts and have them  signed by the 
repair person that they are certified.  If they are not truly  certified and 
permit them to touch you chair, you share some responsibility  in the end 
results of THEIR actions.
This is why I've always advocated that if you are going to be a quad, be an  
EDUCATED QUAD.  Be A Smart Consumer.  Know your rights.
Make sure that the DME that performed the work is notified and accepts  
responsibility for their actions.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 7/28/2007 1:21:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Interesting  day! 
As you I had my batteries replaced  and this morning I get in my chair and I 
went to tilt in my chair and it  started smoking and then flames and scared 
the xxxx out of  me. 
He put some wires where they were  cut when I tilted and my chair caught 
Lucky I wasn’t alone or I wouldn’t  be telling this story, I would be burnt 
My chair tech is an  idiot! 
Mark  Jackson 


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