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Dear Dana,

To many kids, back to school means dreaded homework assignments,
after school sports, and reuniting with friends after a long
summer vacation. 

But for nine million uninsured kids, back to school means trying
not to get sick or injured on the playground because they don't
have access to affordable health care. 

While the kids are doing their part by showing up for the first
day of school, President Bush is trying to convince Congress to
block their health care, because to him, covering uninsured
children is not a priority.

Call your member of Congress at 1-800-828-0498 and tell him/her
to support a strong CHIP bill to send to the President as soon
as possible. Or click here to send an email:

Rather than spend $50 billion to expand the CHIP program, as
was passed by the House of Representatives in late July, the
President began lobbying Congress to authorize that exact same
amount to be spent on funding for the Iraq War. [1] 

In a sad demonstration of misplaced priorities, the President
requested another $50 billion to fund 16 weeks of war in Iraq
at the same time he declared his intention to veto $50 billion
for five years of health care for millions of children here in

His reason? Kids' health care costs too much. 

Please call your member of Congress now at 1-800-828-0498 to
reauthorize the program before it expires on September 30th or
click here to send an email:

The President's decision to prioritize the war over health care
comes at a time when the number of uninsured Americans has risen
by 2.2 million over the last year. The number of uninsured kids
has increased by over half-a-million. 

Now is not the time to turn our backs to the uninsured, and it
is critical that we send a message to Congress and the President
to stand strong for children's health. 


Jeff Gordon
Field Director

p.s. Sign the petition for kids health today! Click here

[1] Ricks, Thomas E. "Bush Wants $50 Billion More for Iraq
War." Washington Post, August 29 2007. 


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