I am so sick and tired of this dominating my life.? It is after??12 midnight 
and I am considering sleeping on the potty chair.? 

At 8 I inserted a suppository.??An hour and and half later I decided to call it 
quits, nothin happening.

It's 9:30 and?am making my way to bed.? THEN I needed to get back on and did 
not make it.? What a mess. When will this get better?? I am so tired of this 
that I am seriously considering limiting my food intake.??Starting tomorrow.

Taking a shower and dressing took me 2 hours and I have spent over 3 hours 
doing my bowel program.? It has been a year since my accident.? Shouldn't I 
have this figured out by now?

I am so frustrated and angry. Sick and tired of crying to.


1 year post
C6-C7 incomplete

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