Most the once a day I know either have accidents or can't go each day. Doctors 
tell me that every 3 days is fine, especially if it works regular.God I would 
hate having to sit and go thru that stinking routine EVERY DAY !  It would 
consume a great part of ones daily life. My Wife is my caregiver and works full 
time and told me thank God it is only twice a week, because as much as she 
loves me she could not do it, along with all the other quad stuff too. Plus 
Doctors said the Less one uses suppository's and things that quads use the 
better---because all that stuff causes hemoroids and many other colon related 
cancer in the long term anyway.So  I guess to each whatever works for your 
life.      Dan

Papillon MF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:              Hi
  I Go once a day too, couldn't imagine any other way. A while back I send some 
info. regarding the importance of Colon cleaning-detox. I'm a strong believer 
in keeping our body free of toxic and the only way to do that is having BM 
everyday, if not, the toxic in your colon goes back up to your body cells 
resulting in fatigue and an unhealthy body. I wanted to answer Shelly's e-mail, 
but since your answer was so well put I will leave it at that.
  Stay safe
  Marie-France c5-c7 incomplete 4 years post.

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