I'm having terrible stomach troubles. Pain, gas, nausea, etc. And I can't
pin point it. I go to the doc next week.

2 possible things it could be.

Anytime I have something causing pain (shoe too tight, etc) I sweat and it
can cause gas and abdomen pain. I have a sore on my butt that is being
worked on and getting lots better, but if I don't recline often enough, I
start to sweat.

Plus, lately when doing my b-program, it's been firm, not hard but firm.
It's taking extra time and often not completing it all and having to do it
the next day.

Doing my b-program helps my stomach, but only short term. 

My stomach is just not good. Not sharp pain, but nausea, pressure, sick.

It's been weeks now. I'm taking Miralax. But it's been firmer than this
without this problem.

I just don't think the sore on my butt would cause this much stomach problem

Has a pressure sore ever effected any of you this way?


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