kemalzk wrote: 
Greetings ,Thank you for the comments and the actions. i will try to keep in 
touch.The situation in many developing countries is very deploring.survival 
after an injury could be difficult and the chances for independent living is 
very for the web site , please accept my apology and try this one
The situation in my country cannot be any better as we are one of the poorest 
in the world.Things may changebut very slow.Our health care system is very poor 
.we have no rehabilitation centers. There are less than 10 neurosurgeons, few 
physiotherapistsand occupational cannot think of power 
wheelchairs nor vehicles because they are not available.The only thing good we 
have is the family system which is extended and supportive and assistive as 
well. May be i am one of the luckiest  because i have brothers outside the 
country who can help ,have an internet access  and so on. But things have 
started changing and now we have a number of colleges training physiotherapists 
, the number of medical and nursing schools have increased. The government is 
becoming more aware about the situation as well.I hope that the next generation 
could have a better chance of survival and [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: 

Greetings Kemal
Thank You for your post and observation about the numbers of those participants 
from developing countries.
There is an old military saying that goes, "The closer one gets to combat, the 
more obsolete the equipment gets."  I can only wish and wonder what happens 
outside our country when it comes with survival of people with spinal cord 
injuries.  You could become that window of opportunity to let us know. I can't 
even imagine
what your daily life is like or how it begins. I hope to visit your website and 
see for myself.  I would also like to refer our Chicago Chapter of the National 
Spinal Cord Injury Association  of your website and their comments.
Our best wishes to you and hope that you continue on postings!

In a message dated 12/10/2007 2:47:42 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
dear fellows,i am a quad,c33, incomplete.I think that the quad-list group is 
open to everybody(quads). But almost all of the participants seem to be from 
the developed world especially the USA.We need to encourage more participants 
from the developing world so that we can benefit from a wider and comprhensive 
experiencs involved. If they are there, may be, their presence could  not be 
felt and they have to come out.can we find out  who you are and from where, 
just to find out. to start with---I am kemal from ethiopia.  my web site you are interested.thank you

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