Dragon NaturallySpeaking seems to work the best. And like other programs...
they are always coming out with version number one or number two or number 7
or number 8, and so on and so on.

I am using Dragon NaturallySpeaking version 9 and it is no better than any
of the previous ones. Except for version 1 perhaps! LOL.

Bobbie... where have you been all this while?  Or did you take a sabbatical
from the list.?  You are the Bobbie from Florida correct?

Because your name is Bobbie... our regular e-mail program put one of your
e-mails numerous days ago in a folder of a cousin of ours named Bobbie
also.  Because of what you wrote at that time... I thought it was our cousin
Bobbie and we had no idea, absolutely no idea, what in the world she was
referring to!  It was my husband that looked more closely and saw that the
e-mail address was not our cousins but yours!  It through us for a loop for
a little while!

On Jan 6, 2008 3:19 PM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
>      Between dragon and naturally speaking which do you guys like better?
> I have windows xp and a LOT of "space" I've never used either of these
> before. I'll have no background noise at all. Is there a dragon 1 or 2
> version? If so which is better and why.
>   Thanks for your help, any input will help before I buy one. Oh, and how
> much can I expect to pay for one of these programs?
>     Bobbie
> ------------------------------
> More new features than ever. Check out the new AOL 
> Mail<http://o.aolcdn.com/cdn.webmail.aol.com/mailtour/aol/en-us/text.htm?ncid=aolcmp00050000000003>
> !

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

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