Hi Greg,  Sorry to read of your pain, discomfort and pan. Whatever you  chose 
to do, make sure that you talk with your primary doctor who is familiar  with 
your medical history, to determine the various courses of action.
Let's hope your problem gets better, not worse.
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/7/2008 6:43:34 A.M. Central Standard Time,  

Maybe it’s time for the Pain Pump and or a Colostomy.  Can’t you still get 
constipated if you have a Colostomy? Is it true you still  need to do mini 
bowel programs even with a Colostomy just to clean out the  rectum area  I have 
things to make life start being easier in these  areas. 

**************Start the year off right.  Easy ways to stay in shape.     

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