A quad developes new bone and broken bones heal faster than 
"normal" people.
I'm post sci 42 years, have had both hip joints removed (girdlestone)
due to calcification and one hip fusing, the other popping out.
Glenn Henry

In a message dated 2/20/2008 3:17:15 P.M. Central Standard Time,  

  Hi, Gina, some years back during one of my surgeries, as I came  awake in 
the Operation room , the doctors had my skeletal body on some full  screen 
thing in the Operation Room, They were wanting to know if I injured my  Hips In 
the Auto Accident I was in , in August of 1997. I said not to my  knowledge and 
they just said --Hmm They look out of line or sort of dislocated  on the 
Screen. Then Simply sent me to the recovery room and we just forgot  about 
it......But like you , I have occassional popping in my hips and also  
sometimes in my 
knee's.  At least so far no swelling or unusual looking  signs to the naked 
       Dan H.

gina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I was asked yesterday if I ever  dislocated my hip. I told them not that I 
knew, but my hip does pop  sometimes, so we continued talking about it and they 
told me that I have a  dislocated hip but its not bad yet, but I could never 
use a standing thingy,  because if I did it would dislocate it. I wasn't 
planning on using one  anyway, but
I was glad that they told me. I was  just wondering if anyone else has been 
told that their hip was dislocated or  that their muscles or ligaments wasn't 
holding their hip in anymore and what  can you do about it?

**************Ideas to please picky eaters. Watch video on AOL Living.      

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