I am so tired of listening to the side effects of things.  How many times do
I have to hear that if I have an erection longer than four hours I need to
seek medical attention?  Can't they just say you need to read the
instructions as there could be severe medical complications?  It's really
awkward when they put these stupid commercials in the middle of football
games that you're watching with your young nephew.  Yes, it does prompt
those questions -- what is ED?  I, however, would like to choose the time
and place to have those discussions.


>  In a message dated 3/18/2008 6:41:51 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>   Today, with all the meds and new meds being advertised on television,
> before doc's see it... patients are telling their doctors.... "I want those
> purple pills."  And it make take 5-10 years to get a new drug on to the
> market.  Scary... ain't it, lol.
> yep, what's worse is listening to the side effects!
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