Well I finally did it!  I was given my diagnosis today.  I only had to wait 6 
years.  Hopefully I can officially remain on the list because my diagnosis is 
quadriparesis.  This means I have weakness in all 4 limbs.  I can't say I 
approve of the term "weakness" as it can be misleading.

I my case weakness means just being able to move my hands and actually walking 
just a little bit before I fall down.  Of course I have all the other 
weaknesses of all the other body organs.  But now the state officials hopefully 
will quit harassing me about my spinal cord injury and asking how soon I will 
be "all better".

I saw my physiatrist today and he explained he would be conducting more test 
next month.  The one where they put a band around your arm or leg and then 
shove a needle through a hole in the band, down into your arm.  He then moves 
it around and watches a screen connected to you to see how much nerve blockage 
you have.

I am told this is not a pleasant time for the patient.  Anyone know for sure?


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