Exactly, what does a Mediation Instructor do?  I mean, what do you mediate?

Well, Naomi, that's a rather large question. A meditation instructor would 
guide their students through a journey of a thought process. I would teach 
different techniques of meditation, there are around 20 different types. 
it's about relaxing the body, mind and sprit. You would concentrate on "the 
here and now" called mindfulness. It has helped me better control my pain level 
by thinking it away. If your not receptive to this way of thinking, than this 
may sound like a bunch of horse crap. The mind is extremely powerful when 
used the correct way. A person can worry them selves "sick" and in the same 
respect a person can calm them selves down.

    If your still interested, let me know and I'll go into more detail. Or 
you can get a book from the library "Meditation for Beginners" and check it out 
for yourself.

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