Its a lot more difficult to teach a drown person how to swim then before  the 
person enters the deep waters.
Everyone should have a backup plan after the Katrina Flood.
Make sure that everyone has one for any event.
Best Wishes and keep posting Mark.
In a message dated 4/4/2008 2:42:10 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  

Hey People, 
It  was a close one last night, I had water up to my front porch and the next 
 street over had 15 houses flooded at 3am. 
I  was up all night just wiating for the water to come through the door and 
it  really got me to thinking. 
How in the heck  would I get out with my chair because it was too deep to get 
in my van.  
I got lucky last night but next time I think I'll  have a plan of attack! 

Mark Jackson 

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