Birth control pills caused my blood clot.


From: Stacy Harim [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Sunday, April 13, 2008 9:57 PM
To: Debbie Hamilton; Maria; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Another Ladies only question ! (Menopause and S.C.I.)

Do you have any concerns with circulation and birth control?  I'm afraid to
death to get birth control with my paralysis.

----- Original Message ----
From: Debbie Hamilton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, April 12, 2008 7:14:54 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Another Ladies only question ! (Menopause and S.C.I.)

I am 49 years old.  I didn't start bleeding until 14 months after my injury.
And then it came back.  It was awful.  My husband had to deal with the mess
and also my caregivers.  My OB/GYN decided to put me on Depo-Provera.  I get
the shot every three months, and I don't have any periods at all.  It has
been the best thing I could have ever done!  Ask your doctor about it.  It's
worked great for me.

C4 incomplete/April 2005 

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Tuesday, April 8, 2008 7:55:16 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Another Ladies only question ! (Menopause and S.C.I.)

I am 42 years old, and after my accident in December of 2000, I didn't have
my period for seven months or so.  Of course, when I would mention this to
my husband back then, he would say let's not talk about it.  Maybe it will
never come back.  Well, shortly after that it did come back.  Now, I wish it
would go away.  Couple of things.  One is that I have a 33-year-old
caregiver, who had to have a total hysterectomy due to cancer.  She is
cancer free and we are always joking about her not having a period anymore
and how I wish I didn't.  Also, I never thought my husband would be putting
in a tampon for me, much less showing a caregiver how to do it.  I use a
tampon during the bowel and shower program.  Thank God we have a good sense
of humor.  I have to wonder if I'm looking forward to menopause.  As I'm
normally cold, and I wonder how the hot flashes are, besides the lack of
bleeding.  I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Take care --

On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 9:41 AM, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

       I was 17 when I was injured and didn't get my period for 4 months
because your body is in shock-I was told. Then I had normal, for me,
periods. When I turned 40 I started have crying spells and being extremely
exasperated, I found out it was pre menopause. I had it for 10 years!
  Also, when I was first injured I would sweat like crazy. Sometimes just
when I was in bed. I would have to sleep with towels all over my bed and my
hair would be soaking wet. Then I went through a long spell when I only
sweat when I was in my chair. I had to have my hair cut short and wear towel
around my neck. I would need to change my top at least once a day.
   DATING WAS A CHALLENGE. I also went through college with sweat dripping
on my term paper's. This was before computer's and if they got wet, I would
have to type them all over again. I sweat like this from 1973 till 1988 when
I had ryzodomy surgery. An uncredited side affect from the surgery was I
never sweat again AT ALL.
   I hope this helps.
Bobbie Humphreys C-5,6.7 motocross jumping accident in 1973 at 17
Married to Sweet Pete Living in Parsippany, New Jersey


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