While I agree with you on the ethanol, I disagree with some of what you said
about the democracy.  You are correct that the founding fathers set up our
system to be a representative republic, but that was long before the
electorate was comprised of mostly literate individuals.

The electoral College was set up to avoid giving too much power to a few
states, but right now it effectively does that anyway.  All you have to do
is look at how some past presidential campaigns have specifically targeted
only 10 or 11 critical states in order to get elected.  I believe, but am
not positive, that JFK follow this principle.

I thought the 2000 election was a travesty, but I really couldn't complain
about 2004.  The majority of the people spoke and that's what we've had to
live with.  No, it's not been fun, but that's what 51% of our people wanted.

Just my opinion; I could be wrong.

On 4/25/08, John S. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I just wanna say this to get it out of the way. The folks on the news and
> our fearless leader don't seem to understand that America has been twisted
> into something so it is more democracy-like, but it is not and was never
> meant to be a democracy. It is a representative republic. Democracies are
> weak and pathetic forms of government.
> It was intended that the people elect their representative and that person,
> in turn, choose an elector to represent us in the electoral college. The
> reason for this is simple, the entire nation shouldn't be ruled by decisions
> made by a few large states.
> Representatives at state levels would elect Senators. There would be no
> such thing as lifetime representatives in any government positions except
> judges and any other positions that are deemed to important to be
> politicized. (HAH!)
> The place where individuals were suppose to be able to effect politics was
> in local party meetings. (Again HAH!)
> Our forefathers were hopelessly trusting souls. What we have today is a
> bastardized system that makes everything America ever stood for look like an
> item on the auction block. We have become victims of our own success and
> poor judgment.
> Ethanol fuel,, a brilliant idea, but a politician said it must be made from
> corn. We are seeing the problem with that idea. Only a politician would
> think fuel should be drinkable. (ethanol can be made from garbage but
> America makes it from the one ingredient that is also the main source of
> starch for a third of the worlds population..how effing arrogant can we
> get?)
> Do we have a punishment for causing mass starvation? Nooooo. We the people
> have absolutely no recourse.
> john

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