
I've never had the feeling of being invisible. In fact, often the opposite 
especially in restaurants. But if you want to be 'visible' LOOK at other 
people. Catch their eye - SMILE. Every time I'm out for a walk and I pass 
someone, I give them a big smile and say 'Hello'. 99.9% of the time, I get the 
same in return. Let's not play the poor me game because other people will pick 
up on it and no one wants to talk to a sad sack.

And if you find that when you're out with a friend, PCA or whatever, and the 
stranger starts to talk to them rather than you - THAT'S when YOU speak up. I 
always tell my new PCAs to not answer when the waitress looks at her and asks 
'table for two?'. This gives me a chance to say 'yes' and I always make a 
request such as - by the window please or against the wall, etc. Let's give the 
ABs a chance. They have to be educated - just like we did/do.

The parking issue will never be solved. It must be worked around. If you have a 
driver, have them drop you at the entrance. If you drive yourself, park your 
van/car across two parking spaces so no one can block you in.           

So, if you really want to be noticed and helped when you don't need or want it, 
then join that guys pity party. Would we be happy if every other person we met 
patted us on the top of the head and said 'God bless you! You know God has a 
special place in Heaven for people like you. Here let me help you cross the 
street'. And people at the mall and on city streets would volunteer to 'clear' 
the way - watch out! move out of the way, wheelchair coming through'. Life my 
dear are a bunch of annoying things, just don't let them annoy you to death.

Oh, oh, pitiful me.


At 12:28 PM 4/27/2008 -0700, Shelly Shetley said something that elicited my 
>I don't get pity from that at all.  He is telling the truth!  I know I get the 
>same reaction in most if not all public places that I go into, people will 
>talk to my friend and not me.  They ask them what I want, like I can't talk 
>for myself.  Custumers in stores try to walk right through me instead of going 
>around me. And, the parking issue.  More times than not there is no accessible 
>parking places left at the place I am wanting/needng to go and I know there 
>are not that many people with disabilities that go shopping or wherever I 
>happen to be all at once.
>The sidewalks and the doors are another annoyinig matter.
>Dan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  
>Sounds like a pity party. Could he sound anymore pathetic?
>At 11:46 AM 4/27/2008 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something that elicited my 
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>Shelly Shetley, Self Advocate/ Peer Advocate
>People with Disabilities are People First!!!!!
>"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." 
>Martin Luther King Jr.
>Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. 
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