yeah theres alot i have to find out, i'm not leaving till november and i'm  
trying to gather information..figured  i could pick up some information  on the 
good 'ol quad list.
  My mission in Finland  ..well ..that's where my fiancee lives and i'll be 
getting married. She's comin' here in 3 weeks then  i'll go there in november. 
She's  getting information on the things i'll need there. My main concern is 
getting there ..kinda wish i could ride a cargo ship instead...Maybe  in crate 
of bananas.  ..hey i like bananas.
  Anyway , yes , i'll keep in touch and maybe even  torment everyone with  

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Mon, 9 Jun 2008 18:55:16 -0400To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 
[QUAD-L] air travel-alone

Lost your mind, is past tense.  Losing your mind, is more present. (lol)
I didn't want to give you the impression that your endeavor would be 
trouble-free as you ventured from your secure, comfort zone.
You have quite a bit of homework ahead of you to cement the paperwork, before 
you leave the safety of your home.  When traveling abroad, make sure that you 
have a copy of your health records and doctors and hospitals in Finland, don't 
know you from Chris Reeve and there is always a chance that you might become a 
visitor to one of Finland's hospitals.
I can't imagine you casing your fate to the wind.... but I don't know you well 
enough.  I'm sure that others are also wondering about your goals and how you 
hope to achieve them in Finland, besides vacations and having a great time.
I am surprised that you have committed yourself to a voyage to Finland and 
still don't know some of the guidelines established by the air industry for 
safe passage.  Best to ask your airline their policies, and who will have the 
pleasure of transferring you from and to your airchair and what you should pack 
and what you are required to leave at home.
Keep us informed and hope you bring your computer with you so that you can 
write back and tell us all what a great time you are having.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 6/9/2008 5:33:33 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
Hey thanks,  yeah i bet it's exciting..are they goingto help me with tranfers 
on the plane? ..i have flown once in 1984 ..and my exwife  helped me ..but i 
will be alone .  And  will the airline allow me to take my electric chair?  I 
remember an issue with my batteries in '84  and i had to leave them . Someone 
said they allow gel batterys. I think that's what i have.   When i tell some 
people i'm planning to do this they look at me like i've lost my mind.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sun, 8 Jun 2008 19:00:52 -0400Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
air travel-aloneTo:
Flying international, is more exciting and adventuresome than flying domestic 
for an TAB or a DAB.
Consider the daily services you require and hope that you've planned ahead when 
you arrive in Finland and hope they speak better English then you Finnish.  
Besides the good time and all the fun you will have, make sure that you have 
back up medicine, just in case or know where you can purchase in Finland.
Expect to have a great time and I hope you let us know.
Best Wishes

In a message dated 6/8/2008 4:00:51 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
hi everyone,  im a semi functioning quad..c-6  ..semi because i have use of my 
right hand ..and ..fairly strong ..blah blah .. i've actualy been posting here 
off and on since '98 i think. anyway ..have any of you  ever flown anywhere 
alone and whats it like ?   im planning to fly to finland later and  i really 
have no idea what to expect.  Any tips would be greatly appreciated.Thanks 

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