Not that anyone asked, but I'll add that besides everything Wheels said below, 
he is an all-around nice guy, too!
  With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka Dave
C4/5 Complete - 32 Years Post
  Texas, USA 

      Thanks Eric.  I must have missed Ron's original posting as I didn't see 
it until just now.  As I look at my next email, I think I see the one from 
Ronald as next.  Be that as it may.....
  I've been around here since, I'm guessing 92 and sharing that which I've 
learned over the years from some of the best people in the world.  To anyone 
who knows me... knows that I've always advocated that this is your planet and 
I'm merely a visitor from another planet.  Thru my endeavors I've met so many 
people from around the world and nationally.  To those who know me and there 
are alot, they realize that I'm not here for the ego, but rather to share 
credible information, especially new members.
  I know that Ron and I have IM in the past and I thought I explained myself to 
him in private, but perhaps maybe not.
  Lori is helpful at least once a year in telling members here that I'm not a 
chair user and that is good for new members.  I've worked with some great 
organizations and the knowledge I've learned, I've always tried to share.  I 
continue to learn daily and do not hesitate to share that knowledge with 
others. I also enjoy being in the background where I can do my best work.  Our 
host Jim Lublin, has been gracious and understanding all these years.  I 
sincere hope that he continues that understanding.  I don't know what else I 
can tell you.
  I'm sure that if you are still interested in finding more details, you can 
contact Marci Roth with the Nat SCI Association, for the down and dirty (lol)
  Eric has been gracious all these years in tolerating me while he kept my toes 
to the ..... fire.
  lol.  thanks Eric.         respect?? what's that?
  Best Wishes
    In a message dated 7/16/2008 9:12:05 P.M. Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:
    i'm tryin 2 let u GAIN respect by answering....& 4 the record, i've been, 
here 4 10 or 11 yrs
Eric W Rudd

    ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:06 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] To wheelchair

  Ive been on this list a few years and read all your entries as well as the 
ones on junkie you post. I admit you are a knowledgable man about disabled 
things of all kind and you obviously have a decent iq. But the question I have 
is you have some secrets that a few know on here that you dont reveal to the 
masses. Ive assummed that you are not a chair user yourself, but you must 
either have a wife that was or is in a chair.....or you work in the medical 
field. My question is
  Why is this a mystery to most? Is this like a fraternity that once you put 
your ten years in you find out? 
  Ron c7

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